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Faith Mission Society

Faith Mission Society (FMS) provides a service in which special and emergency assistance is given to the missions of the ELS, over and above synodical and congregational mission giving, by providing themission fields with funds for projects which enable the expansion of mission work. Gifts to the mission fields through FMS provide the fields with “extra” monies to promote God’s Word. Faith Mission Society provides only a channel through which Christians may joyfully find an additional chance to serve the Lord.

One of the main projects of Faith Mission Society is the publishing of Mission News which provides timely and informative news of the ELS mission work.

It is hoped that this will stimulate greater mission concern and will encourage support of our mission fields financially – and more importantly, with prayers and personal encouragement.

All contributions through Faith Mission Society are used as directed by the contributor: — For use in a particular place or project or wherever the missionary team designates a special need. — For wherever the greatest need is in our home or foreign mission fields. — For publication of Mission News (Printing & distribution is financed solely by contributions.)

Please support YOUR mission fields with your prayers and contributions for the Lord’s work in spreading the Good News of Salvation through Christ Jesus.

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